How to Eat for Health (It’s Probably Not What You Think)
Good-bye prescriptive food rules and diet plans, hello body trust. Gain the confidence you crave to start nourishing your unique self in a way that honors and supports your whole health and wellbeing.
In a world that tells us that to be “healthy” one must “eat clean,” avoid sugar because it’s toxic, and spend hours every week meal prepping from scratch, it’s easy to feel like we are falling short, neglecting our wellbeing, and not adequately caring for ourselves if we are unable, or lack desire, to do any of these things. But that’s simply not true. And those things are definitely not necessary. Furthermore, the stress of trying to do those things anyway or the guilt of not doing them certainly isn’t supportive of health and wellbeing. At ThrivInspired Nutrition we are all about helping people release food guilt and shame, making eating feel less complicated and stressful, and empowering clients to take charge of their food decisions to learn how to nourish their bodies in a way that works for their individual life and circumstances. Maybe (hopefully!) they’ll even find a little more joy in food along the way, too. If you are saying to yourself, “Yes, that’s what I need!” then keep reading because that’s exactly what this 4-week course will offer you.
This course if for you if you are ready to:
REDEFINE what health means and what it looks like to eat for wellbeing (it’s different for everyone),
RECONNECT with your innate wisdom (because you know yourself better than anyone else!),
RELEASE food worry and guilt (because they definitely don’t support wellbeing),
REBUILD your self-trust (while challenging diet culture mis- and disinformation), and
RECLAIM your power to own your authority over your food decisions (because yes, you are capable of this).
You will get:
4 live workshops, jam-packed with content to help guide you in making health-supportive food decisions that meet your unique needs without all the fear-mongering, food rules, and guilt that come along with traditional nutrition recommendations and interventions.
The opportunity to ask questions and interact with other participants (if attending live sessions)
Access to a private program portal with recorded workshops (in case you can't make it live) and additional resources and/or reflection guides to compliment the content presented in each workshop.
Access to an expert facilitator, who is a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, non-diet Registered Dietitian, and human who has healed her own relationship with food.
An invitation to join our private alumni community after the completion of the program (which also comes with exclusive discounts and additional opportunities for working together).
The Details:
Series runs 4 consecutive Tuesdays, August 8-August 29, 2023 (recordings available if you cannot participate live)
5:30-6:30 pm ET + 15 minutes for live Q&A after each session
Sessions will be entirely virtual & hosted via Zoom
Investment: $249
Session Sneak Peak
While diet and wellness culture may have you worrying that one wrong food move will ruin your health forever and if you aren’t hypervigilant about your food choices you aren’t taking your health seriously, the reality is health cannot be reduced down to diet. In this session we’ll explore the nuances of health, discuss what “health” even means, offer you an opportunity to redefine health for yourself, and discuss the ways in which a focus on nutrition and nutrition interventions can both help and harm.
Keto. Paleo. Low-carb. Low-fat. Vegan. Mediterranean. The list of how we’re told we “should” eat for health is endless, contradictory, and confusing. But feeding yourself well does not need to feel so complicated. This session will introduce some *very* basic nutrition principles to support eating for well-being, explore how to reconnect with your body and lean in to your own lived experience to figure out what feels good and what does not, and discuss how we can view nutrition information in a more neutral and nuanced way, which also considers your values, your preferences, and your individual circumstances.
This session will focus on interrogating some of those unhelpful belief systems and thought patterns that we hold around food—like what’s “healthy” and what’s not—to overcome food fear, release food guilt, and help you rebuild trust within yourself and your body. You’ll learn how to confidently navigate the near constant barrage of nutrition and wellness dis- and misinformation, we’ll debunk some common fear-monger messages about hot topics like clean eating and food addiction, and we’ll discuss re-writing some of those wholly unhelpful narratives we hold around food that only serve to keep us stuck.
How does food planning, procuring, and prepping look different when YOU get to be IN CHARGE of that process? In this session we’ll reflect on what this has looked and felt like when you were beholden to food rules and consider how it could be different once those rules have been released. Because just as there is no one “right” way to eat, there is not one “right” way or approach for getting food on the table, either. This is not your average meal planning, grocery shopping, or food prepping presentation. We’re getting real, letting go of perfectionism, embracing good-enough-ism, and finding sustainable solutions to simplify your life and ease your mealtime (and snacktime) stressors.
Meet Your Instructor
Dana Notte, MS, RD, CD, CEDS
Non-Diet Registered Dietitian
Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
Certified Eating Disorder Specialist
Human who has healed their own difficult relationship with food
Dana discovered Intuitive Eating intuitive eating just over 10 years ago, which offered her the knowledge, skills, and tools to work toward healing her own relationship with food. Not only did this experience and framework change her life personally, but also the entire trajectory of her professional life. Since then she has spent years studying and learning how to support others in finding the peace and ease around food they crave, all while existing in a culture that makes that a really difficult thing to do. Dana has worked with hundreds of people to help them find more peace and ease with food, she’d love to support you, too.
“If you are at all interested in pursuing intuitive eating, you owe it to yourself to join a group led by Dana. ”
What does practicing gentle nutrition look like for you?
We’re going to help you figure that out!